Bikini laser hair removal will almost* permanently remove the hair, with touch ups every 6-12 months after your initial 6-8 sessions that are spread 8 weeks apart. This area is also very quick to treat, usually being about 10-15 minute appointments & because the appointments are so spread out, it's such a low maintenance & almost no-effort way to get lasting results!
Laser Hair Removal Eligibility:
Pain Level:
Bikini laser is a more sensitive area to treat compared to the rest of the body however the pain is still very minimal in our clinic due to our medical grade lasers that let out cool air with each zap! Its rated a 3/10 in pain as compared to waxing which is rated 6/10. So if you've waxed that area before, you probably wont even feel it, or it may feel like a little scratch. With each treatment, the hairs will get thinner & lessen, which means any painful or uncomfortable feelings will lessen as well!
Bikini Laser Coverage:
For bikini laser, it will cover the area along the inner thigh where your underwear line sits and goes about 3-5cm wide, giving you a nice manicured look so no unwanted hairs are sticking out from your underwear.